about me.
Follow my knitting (and other crafty adventures!) on Instagram @gardenknittr
Ravelry members can view my knitting projects at: http://www.ravelry.com/projects/gardenknittr
Not a member of Ravelry? It's free and very easy to join.
Go to www.ravelry.com and select a user name and password.
My work has been featured on the following blogs:
Never Not Knitting by Alana Dakos
Knitty Magazine
Stolen Stitches by Carol Feller
I have two patterns published on Ravelry:
The Terrain Cowl which can be downloaded for free!
The Bunny Slope hat pattern:

Hello, my name is Jennifer and I'm obsessed with knitting. I learned to knit at age 8 from my aunt while visiting her in Germany for the summer. As a child, I loved to create clothing for my dolls and knitting seemed like a fun way to provide them with winter wear. Over the years, I would knit on and off, and completed a few disastrous 80's sweaters and a boyfriend sweater which, of course, led to a break-up. After becoming a "recovering lawyer" to stay home and care for my two sons I finally had the time to return to knitting. In 2008, the needles in my head clicked and I became knit obsessed. It became my personal challenge to create garments that I loved and that would actually fit.
Knitlove Bethesda was born in 2011 out of a desire to create a community where we can learn new skills, inspire each other, and share the joy of knitting. It is my belief that making things makes us happy and that the world would be a better place if everyone knit! Knitting allows you to use your hands, your head and your heart. What could be better than that?